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Jalapeño Hummus Tostada

Happy Taco (or tostada) Tuesday and the 30th week for my pregnancy! These tostadas are plant based with Sabra Jalapeno hummus, roasted veggies, and topped with a black bean slaw. We all know eating more vegetables is a good thing, but Americans are still not eating enough veggies. Many of my clients only eat veggies at dinner or in a small amount on most days. I encourage fresh or frozen veggies (Without added sauces or spices). Frozen can be a good choice since they don’t go bad as quick and are cheaper. This time of year is a great time to get fresh produce. Buying from your local farmer is important, as you are helping a small family. What they make during their summer seasons usually get them through the winter. Plus, the veggies are picked closer to ripeness, providing more nutrients, and taste better! (I may be a bit biased since I was raised in a small farming family.)

Adding more plants to your eating habits will be extremely beneficial. Not only will they fill you up with the fiber or water but they will provide more phytonutrients that you can’t get from your previous eating habits. Many people find their inflammation goes down, weight loss can occur, blood pressure lowers, heart disease rates lower, skin brightens and looks healthier, and your gut flora changes to benefit you.

You don’t have to cut out meat, dairy, or the things you enjoy! You just become more mindful about increasing your food choices from plants: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and oils. It sounds quite similar to one of the healthiest diets in the past couple months: the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet focuses on all the above plus fish, yogurt, lean meats, red wine, and low in red meats and sweets.

You don’t have to pick a certain “diet” per say to be your identity. Just start adding more plant based foods to your plates, bowls, and cups! Here are some ways to start going plant-based:

  • Fill 1/2 your plate with veggies vs meat

  • Try to eat veggies at at least two meals a day vs just dinner

    • Ex: bulking up your sandwiches with veggies, having a side salad, adding greens into your smoothie or eggs, adding veggies into plain pasta dishes, topping pizza with more veggies than cheese

  • Try to eat one day of meatless meals

    • Add beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains

    • My go to’s to jazz it up: Trader Joe’s Hi-Protein Veggie burgers; Aldi’s black bean burgers; Ikea veggie meatballs; rice and beans; sweet potato with black beans, salsa, avocado

  • Try a different vegetable each week or month and experiment with different dishes

  • Create a whole grain bowl filled with veggies, healthy fats, nuts, beans, or seeds vs a plain pasta dish

    • It will keep you full a lot longer!

  • Add whole grains and healthy fats

    • Examples of healthy fats: avocado, olives, olive oil, fish, flaxmeal, chia seeds, nuts, seeds

    • These will keep your full plus the healthy fats will help absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)!

  • Craving sweets?? Grab fruit! Keep fruit eye level and easy to grab for a quick snack or dessert

    • Add a nut butter, Greek yogurt, or chocolate flavored hummus to jazz up fruit (if eating it plain is boring to you)

  • Eat the rainbow (not skittles! from produce!)

    • Every color provides a different phytonutrient that benefits you!


This tostada is so filling and tasty, you won’t even miss the meat!!


Jalapeño Hummus Tostada

Recipe by Chrissie Bittner, RD


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 6 small tortillas (any type)

  • 6 tbsp Sabra jalapeño hummus

  • 1 1/2 cup cauliflower, small pieces

  • 3 radishes (medium), sliced

  • 1 cup black beans

  • 1 cup red cabbage, julienne strips

  • 1/2 lime juice and zest

  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

  • 1 tsp jalapeño, chopped

  • 2 tsp chili lime seasoning (I used Trader Joe’s)

  • Olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • On a sheet pan, add cauliflower and radishes, drizzle 1 tsp olive oil, sprinkle chili lime seasoning, and mix together. Bake for 20 minutes.
  • On another sheet pan, spray both sides of each tortilla. Bake for 10 minutes.
  • While items are baking, make the slaw: mix together the red cabbage, black beans, lime juice and zest, cilantro, and jalapeno.
  • Once the tortillas are crispy, let them cool down.
  • Spread 1 tbsp jalapeno hummus to each tortilla. Add roasted cauliflower and radishes on top of hummus. Finish tostadas with slaw.
  • Enjoy this plant-based Mexican recipe!

Radish Nutrition Tips

  • Select smooth, brightly colored, medium size, and fresh green tops
  • Remove tops and refrigerate for 1 week
  • Root vegetable from the Brassica family (like cabbage)
  • Botanical name: Raphanus sativus
  • “Peppery” taste from isothiocyanate compound-helps inhibit cell cancers
  • You can eat the tops!!
  • Different types: Daikon, black Spanish, green, watermelon
  • 1/2 cup sliced radish= 12 cal, 2g carbs, 135 mg potassium, 16mcg folate, 1g fiber
  • Rich in vitamin C (helps in synthesis of collagen, prevent cancer, immune system, and inflammation)
  • High in fiber to help regular blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and healthy bowels
  • Rich in folate, riboflavin, potassium, copper, vit B6, magnesium, manganese, calcium
  • Enjoy roasted, raw on salad/sandwich/pasta dishes, or for a touch of color to your plate

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Welcome to BITT nutrition. I am a farmer’s daughter, registered dietitian, IIN health coach, and personal trainer looking at the body as a whole so we can have the best quality of life possible, while feeling the best!


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